Contact the Best Licensed Professional Home Inspection Company today!
Contact the best home inspection company for your all home inspection needs.
Aspiring to assist sellers and buyers to make a well-informed decision for the property! Book our services today.
Types Property Inspected - Call for pricing
Residential Property for Buyers and Sellers -Includes Thermal imaging
New Home Construction Phase Inspections in Houston Texas - 3 Phases:
Foundation Pre-pour in Houston, Texas;
Note: Client must notify us before slab is poured.
This inspection is performed after trenches or footers have been dug and all metal and
pipe casings and/or liners have been put into place, but before pouring concrete.
• All known plan measurements of depth and width of footings are verified.
• All metal- rebar, beams, tension cables, etc.- are inspected for proper placement and
• All known pipe and sleeve measurements are verified for proper placement.
Pre-insulation/Drywall in Houston, Texas (2nd Phase inspection);
Note: Client must notify us before insulation and drywall is installed.
This inspection is performed prior to drywall or other interior wall covering being installed.
• Inspect for defective, warped, missing and misplaced framing members
• Inspect for proper wood grades, placement, span measurement, notching,
borings, and truss usage.
• Inspect anchor bolts, fire blocking and truss ties
• Inspect framing fasteners and connectors for proper schedules
• Visually inspect the electrical wires and plumbing installed through the
framing system including proper nail stop protection
• Visually check the HVAC rough-ins and duct conditions
• Visually check Air Handler condensation drain and overflow drain lines
• Check exterior walls, sheeting seal, wall penetrations, windows and sealants
• Visually check exterior electrical and lighting fixtures
Final Home Inspection in Houston, Texas, Pre-closing
Note: Before you walkthrough with your builder.
This inspection is conducted when all construction is complete. This is basically the same inspection we do on all houses new or used. On new houses, it must be coordinated with the builder's schedule to be sure all systems are complete and ready for occupation. It should be completed before closing with enough time remaining to accomplish any necessary repairs.
It is the final inspection to verify that all Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing systems are installed and operating as intended including, but not limited to:
• Full home inspection meeting or exceeding all requirements of the Standard of Practice
as delineated by the Texas Real Estate Commission (TREC) - link to standards.
• Inspect the Structure including: Foundation, Grading and Drainage, Roof Covering,
Roof Structure and Attic, Walls (interior and exterior), Ceilings and Floors, Doors,
Windows, Fireplace/Chimney, Porches, Decks, Driveways, Carports
• Inspect Electrical Systems including: Service Entrance & Panels, Branch Circuits,
Outlets, Switches, Fixtures, Disconnects, GFCI's
• Inspect Heating, Venting and Air Conditioning Systems, Ducts
• Inspect Water Supply System, Fixtures, Drains, Wastes Vents,
and Water Heating Equipment.
• Inspect built in Appliances, and other Optional Systems
The "final" inspection is the type of inspections that is done when we are asked to do an "inspection". We can only tell you what we can see, touch, or test. We cannot see through concrete or walls. When you buy a completed house, whether "New" or "Used", this is the only type inspection that can be accomplished without destruction of the media (drywall, concrete, etc.) that obstructs our vision.
One Year Warranty Inspections in Houston Texas- This inspection should occur 11 months after purchase.
Commercial Property Inspections
Do you need a building inspection in Houston, TX? Hire us!
During a Building Inspection we look for major building defects such as:
- Leaking roofs or damaged roof plumbing
- Structural cracks or timber framing inadequacies
- Leaking showers or baths / wet areas
- Damp issues such as rising damp or penetrating damp
- Issues with footings of the building
- Poor external drainage or storm-water concerns
- Water drainage and poor water pressure
- Potential safety hazards such as collapsing balconies
- Potential Fire Hazards
- Age of water heaters – (implications for damage caused upon failure, and replacement timeframe)
- Furnace and Water boilers
- Air conditioning systems
During a Building Inspection we check:
- The Roof and the Structure
- Foundations
- Framing
- The Attic
- The Building Exterior (Wall Cladding Systems)
- The Building Interior
- Electrical
- HVAC (Heating, Venting and Air Conditioning)
- Fixed Appliances
- Plumbing
- The Site including the garage
- and much more..
Optional inspections: Call for pricing
Swimming Pools - We inspect the pool operation, Ingress safety, etc.
Pier and beam foundations
Foundation Mapping - We map the foundation levelness
Thermal Imaging
Grade Mapping
Irrigation system
Mold inspection - Inspected by 3rd party
Choosing the right home inspector can be difficult. Unlike most professionals, you probably will not get to meet me until after you hire me. Furthermore, different inspectors have varying qualifications, equipment, experience, reporting methods, and yes, different pricing. One thing for sure is that a home inspection requires work, a lot of work. Ultimately a thorough inspection depends heavily on the individual inspector’s own effort. If you honor me by permitting me to inspect your new home, I guarantee that I will give you my very best effort.
This I promise you.
Jacob Cho, CMI
Houston Jacob Home Inspection, LLC.
Houston, TX